self-care for working moms

Are you looking for some self-care for working moms?

Does self-care feel like a luxury because you are a busy mom who has a million other things on your to-do list?

Do you feel like you have to do everything and be the perfect mother like the ones you see on Facebook and Instagram?

working mom burnout

93% of working mothers are burnt out these days. These statistics have all the evidence that an average mother has a tough life today.

In other words, it is not easy to spend enough time on your child’s needs and you also face many things on a daily basis like work pressure, low income, etc which reduced your self-care too much.

Thankfully, there are many ways to manage your stress and find some time for yourself. Here are 15 self-care tips for working moms to implement into their lives in order to recharge and feel better:

  • Draw a boundary between motherhood and work
  • Say yes to help
  • Stick to a sleep cycle
  • Eat balanced meals
  • Exercise regularly
  • Have a morning and night self-care routine
  • Make time for yourself every day
  • Go to yoga
  • Calm your mind through meditation or mindfulness
  • Listen to an inspiring podcast
  • Write in a journal
  • Find time for your friends
  • Laugh
  • Grab a massage on your lunch break
  • Listen to your favorite song (or album)

Why taking care of yourself is so important

I used to feel like I had to do everything and be everything to everyone.

I had to be the perfect mom with super parenting skills and the patience of a saint.

I had to be the perfect wife who never complained, kept the house spick and span, and fed everyone home-cooked meals every day.

And on top of that, I had to be an amazing employee who made significant contributions to the company.

I had to do it all and more!

working mom juggling work and family

Then I realized that while I was struggling so hard to balance every aspect of my life, the one thing that I had neglected to look after was myself. If I wanted to give my best self to my family, wearing myself thin wasn’t the way.

If you’re in the same situation, here are 10 ways to get past yelling at your kids.

Life is about enjoying the little things that make us happy and fulfilling our obligations in a way that makes us feel good inside. And self-care is one of those things that can make you happy and fulfilled on a daily basis!

15 easy self-care ideas for working moms

As working moms, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. But there are ways to take care of yourself even when you don’t have time for a full self-care routine. Here are 15 self-care tips for working moms that will help you relax, recharge, and feel better overall:

Draw a Boundary between Motherhood and Work

Motherhood is a balancing act. When you’re parenting, it’s important to maintain healthy boundaries between your work and personal lives.

When you’re at home, try not to let work dominate your thoughts or conversations. Pick up the phone less and spend more time with your children.

Working long hours can be tiring and result in burnout. To avoid this, it is important to set limits on how many hours you work each day. This way, you can manage your time more effectively and stay fresh throughout the day.

Besides limiting the number of hours worked each day, there are other ways to recharge yourself so that you’re at your best when it comes to tackling tasks: take a short break every hour, prioritize the tasks you want to get done first, and let go of some things that don’t really matter right now.

Say Yes to Help

Sometimes it can be helpful to ask for help from friends or family.

When you need it, don’t hesitate to reach out. Chances are they will be more than happy to lend a helping hand.

It doesn’t have to be anything too complicated. Maybe ask the family to watch the kids for an hour so that you can go out with your girlfriends for dinner.

If you can afford it, hiring people to do things like cook and clean is definitely an option.

say yes to help

My life has been so much easier after I started hiring cleaners to help out every week. I know I can relax a little more knowing that the house is taken care of.

If you need some ideas on how to keep a clean house with kids, I’ve written a post about this.

Stick to a Sleep Cycle

Sticking to a sleep cycle is essential for a healthy body and mind. This means going to bed at the same time each day!

Scheduling enough sleep will help you avoid feeling tired and cranky. A short nap can do wonders to recharge an empty cup during the day.

sleep is self-care for working moms

Make sure you are avoiding screens in the hours leading up to bedtime- this includes TVs, laptops, and phones.

I know that for some of us, late nights when the kids are in bed are the only time for solitude and some much-needed me time. However, I have found that if I stick to a regular bedtime routine, my energy levels stay steady throughout the day.

Eat Balanced Meals

Eating balanced meals is a great way to stay energized throughout the day and avoid getting tired or cranky.

Eating a variety of foods helps to give your body the nutrients it needs and keeps you from feeling hungry later.

Try to make sure that at least half of your meals are made up of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and low-fat proteins. It’s okay to indulge every once in a while, but make sure that the majority of your diet is healthy and nutritious.

eating balanced meals with the family

I find that sticking to this type of eating plan makes me feel energized all day long and I don’t experience energy dips like I used to.

Exercise Regularly

exercise is self-care for working moms

Exercise not only helps you stay healthy and fit, but it can also help reduce stress and anxiety levels.

In fact, working moms should be especially mindful of their health as they try to maintain a work-life balance.

There are various ways in which working mothers can exercise- from taking a brisk walk in the morning or going for a light jog at lunchtime. I love doing 10 minutes of yoga or rebounding every morning.

However, make sure that you listen to your body – if something hurts or feels too strenuous, don’t do it! Just take things easy and enjoy the benefits of getting physical while still keeping up with your hectic schedule.

Have a Morning and Night Self-Care Routine

Stress is a normal part of life. However, too much stress can have negative consequences on our health and well-being.

To reduce the amount of stress in our lives, it’s important to include self-care rituals in our daily routine.

I’m not saying you have to go full out spa day. Rather, try to have a self-care ritual for each of the two main areas of our lives- morning and night.

For example, in the morning, start your day with a cup of coffee or tea and some healthy breakfast foods. Afterward, take care of yourself by working on your own projects or taking a yoga class.

Similarly, at night time it’s important to de-stress by doing something calming and soothing- like reading a book or taking a hot shower.

Make Time for Yourself Every Day

Time is valuable – and so is self-care time for working moms.

Don’t feel guilty about taking the time to take care of yourself- it’s important for both your physical and mental health!

Set aside some time every day to do something that makes you feel good- whether that means indulging in a spa treatment or spending time with loved ones.

Spend 30 minutes on hobbies that make you happy- whether that’s painting, hiking, or playing a sport.

Whatever you choose, mommy, make sure that you’re filling up your cup.

Go to Yoga

yoga can be good self-care for working moms

There’s no need to explain the benefits of yoga – everyone knows that it is good for your body and mind.

However, if you’re not sure where to start or don’t have time to devote every day, try doing yoga at home. Find a yoga app that is suitable for you and your level.

You can use any type of mat and props you like, and there’s no need to be perfect from the beginning.

Yoga also helps improve your breathing- something that is essential for a healthy lifestyle overall. Even if all you do is five minutes each day, it will still be beneficial in the long run!

Calm Your Mind through Meditation or Mindfulness

Calming your mind through meditation or mindfulness can have a tremendous impact on your mental health. By getting rid of any distractions in your environment and focusing on one thing at a time, you can start to calm down and clear your thoughts.

Meditation or mindfulness is great for restoring equilibrium to the mind and helps you deal with stress better.

In addition, it has been proven to reduce anxiety levels, lower blood pressure levels, boost self-confidence and improve concentration skills.

meditation calms and provides great self-care for working moms

I find that when I meditate regularly, I’m able to better manage my stress and emotions. This in turn reflects back in my parenting skills, making me a more effective mom overall.

Listen to an Inspiring Podcast

Listening to an inspiring podcast can be the perfect way to start your day or even while you’re driving. It’s so much better than zoning out in front of the tv.

There are plenty of great podcasts out there that resonate with different people, so it is important to find one that matches your interests and lifestyle.

Podcasts can be a great way to learn new information or get inspired by people who are living their best lives.

My favorite podcasts are ones that focus on parenting, motivation and having a positive mindset.

Write in a Journal

write down your thoughts in a journal

Writing in a journal can be an excellent way to process your thoughts and emotions.

It can be hard to go to bed at night and let go of all the stress that accumulates during the day. Journaling can be a great way to process your thoughts, vent frustration, and explore your feelings. Some people use a gratitude journal to shift their focus to the good in their life.

You can also write down positive affirmations like these, to help change your mindset.

I can feel my stress melt away whenever I write in my journal. It’s more of a brain dump for me to release all of the built-up emotions.

Find Time for Your Friends

friends offer comfort and great self-care for working moms

Spending some time to connect with friends can do wonders to fill up an empty cup.

Connecting with them outside of the workspace can be a great way to de-stress and catch up on the latest gossip.

Additionally, by being vulnerable with one another, you’ll build stronger relationships that will last long into the future.

It’s not easy to find time to meet, what with all our busy schedules. But intentionally carving out some free time for each other – even if it’s just for a quick coffee – can go a long way in strengthening our bonds.


Laughing is a great way to reduce stress and tension headaches.

In fact, research has shown that laughter can actually reduce the levels of cortisol, a hormone that can increase inflammation and tension.

So why not start funny-ing it up today? Laughter is one of the best self-care tools that you have at your disposal.

get silly with your kids

Don’t be afraid to get silly with your kids. Not only will they enjoy it, but you’ll also be putting a smile on your face – and that’s truly self-care in action.

It’s one of the best ways to build a connection with them. And it’s in times of fun that they’re more likely to listen to us. Win-win!

Grab a Massage on Your Lunch Break

massage is good self-care for working moms

When you’re on the brink of exhaustion, what better way to relax than with a massage?

If you’re on your lunch break, there are plenty of affordable massage therapists out there that will be happy to work with you.

And the best part? They usually don’t require any appointment, so you can easily fit one in during your lunch break.

A quick head and shoulder massage can help to ease tension and headaches, as well as promote healthy circulation.

Even a nice foot massage can be incredibly soothing, especially if you’ve been walking around in heels all day!

Listen to Your Favorite Song (or Album)

listen to your favorite song to destress

Listening to your favorite music can have a number of benefits- not just when things are going well.

When times are tough, it can be really helpful to let go and listen to something that makes you feel good. It can help to take your mind off of things and allow you to relax.

Whether you’re in the office or in the car, playing your favorite album or songs can really take the edge off.

And if you’re working on an especially tough project? A good cry-fest (or three) is always a plus!


It can be hard being a working mom. Between working long hours and taking care of the household, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed all the time.

It’s so important to find ways to self-care and de-stress throughout the day. This will help improve your work performance and reduce stress levels overall.

Before we can give our best to our family, we need to take care of ourselves first. And self-care for working moms doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive- with a little creativity, any mom can find ways to relax and rejuvenate herself.

So try out some of these tips and see how they can help you to feel more relaxed and in control.

15 Easy Self-Care Ideas for Working Moms.

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