self care ideas for moms

Mama, did you wake up looking forward to the day or you just can’t seem to get out of bed? If it’s the latter, then maybe you need some self-care ideas for moms, to fill up that tank to keep you going.

The physical and mental load on parents is undeniable. So there should be no shame or guilt in taking some time off to recharge.

In fact, it is ESSENTIAL that we moms fill up all the tanks that we need, if we are to present our very best selves to our family, and especially our children.

Burnout is so real that the World Health Organization recently acknowledged burnout syndrome in its International Classification of Diseases and has linked it to several health symptoms, such as fatigue, changing sleep habits, and substance use.

Since prevention is always better than cure, here are 15 self-care ideas for moms which you can make time for, whether you have 5 minutes or 5 hours.

15 Self-Care Ideas for Moms

  1. Eating good (nutritious) food
  2. Taking a long, hot shower
  3. Meditation
  4. Exercising
  5. Reading
  6. Journaling
  7. Chatting with friends
  8. Eating chocolate/ Drinking wine
  9. Having a good laugh
  10. Netflix & chill
  11. Baking
  12. Having quiet time
  13. Sleeping
  14. Going for a manicure/pedicure
  15. Going for a spa

1. Eating good (nutritious) food

healthy food

I make it a point to take care of my own health because, without it, I am unable to care for my daughters. If you’ve ever had to take care of a baby or a toddler while being sick yourself, you will know what I mean.


But as moms, we soldier on. Because we have to.

I know how hard it is to squeeze in time to cook for the family. My family eats out a lot of the time.

But it’s not impossible.

This is where meal planning comes in handy.

Some tips to make weekday dinners less stressful:

  • Take some time out during the weekend to jot down what you intend to cook for the coming week and what ingredients you need to buy
  • One pot dinners are a lifesaver
  • So is batch cooking and freezing. All you need to do is reheat!
  • Meal prep may seem daunting, but it really does save so much cooking time because you already have the ingredients ready to go into the pot/pan.

Finally, you’re less likely to chow down on junk if you don’t have it in the house. Fruits and veggies aren’t only for the kids. The fiber will help control your blood sugar levels so that you don’t crash in the middle of the day and end up a cranky, exhausted parent.

2. Taking a long, hot shower

hot shower

This is a quick win in my book.

It’s a cure for a taxing day filled with never-ending chores, a headache from the constant noise, tensed muscles from the burden on our shoulders…

Just step into the shower, turn the dial as hot as it will go without causing a burn, and let the water wash all your troubles away.

When we take a hot shower, our parasympathetic nervous system is activated to help us relax.

It’s a great way to end the night, as it lowers our body’s core temperature to help us sleep better.

Just make sure to lock your door or get your spouse to watch the kids while you’re in there. Hearing “mommy, mommy, mommy” on repeat is not exactly conducive to this self-care time, no matter how short it may be.

3. Meditation


This self-care idea for moms is one of my favorites. And for many reasons.

In addition to combating stress and increasing your emotional well-being, meditation can also help with stress-related illnesses like high blood pressure and heart disease.

I personally practice mindfulness meditation, but there are other types of meditation that can cater to your own individual needs and preferences.

You can download apps to guide you through a session, or just pick a cozy spot in your home where you won’t be disturbed, and breathe.

There is no right or wrong to it. You can meditate for as little as 5 minutes or as long as you have time for. You can even choose to sit, stand, walk, or lie down (provided you don’t doze off).

The goal is to bring the mind to the present moment and become aware of your body, your thoughts, and your emotions.

I’ve found that I’m much calmer and more clear-headed when I’ve been meditating regularly. And that helps me deal with everything else I’ve got going on my plate.

4. Exercising


I hear a lot of moms saying that there just isn’t enough time to exercise. And I get it.

Time is a commodity. It’s precious. And there are just SO MANY things to do other than working out.

It may seem counterintuitive but exercising really does increase your energy levels.

If you feel like you just want to fall into bed at the end of each day, wiped out from caring for everyone else, and working out is the last thing on your mind, then start slow.

But the important thing is to START.

  • Schedule it into your day, just like any other important appointment
  • Start off with 5 minutes of light stretching everyday
  • When you start feeling better, progress to a 5-10 minute walk after lunch. Bring the kids along!
  • A short morning yoga routine does wonders for the body and mind. You don’t have to be a human pretzel, just be present in the moment. Bonus: it can be a form of meditation, so 2 for 1!
  • When you start feeling better about yourself, try out some of the thousands of free workout videos on YouTube. There’s something for everyone.
  • Not into working out at home? Go for a run or hike outdoors!

The point is to move your body. Taking care of your body is the best form of self-care, mama.

5. Reading


I used to love reading as a child. There were so many wonderful stories and magical worlds that I could escape to. Endless adventures to spark my imagination.

And who can deny the many benefits of reading a book?

You learn to see things from another point of view and it broadens your perspective of the world.

You get to escape reality and live in another person’s shoes and listen to the thoughts in their head.

But as a busy mom, I stopped having time to read. And yet, I wanted my daughters to enjoy reading as I used to. The irony.

So now, I make it a point to read in front of my daughters, so that I could model this habit for them.

I’ve also started scheduling in some time before bed to read again. And it’s proven to be a welcome respite from the stresses of the day.

6. Journaling


I used to scoff at the idea of journaling.

You see, like any other young girl, I used to keep a diary of my most secret thoughts and dreams. It was my best friend and confidante for many years until I outgrew it at the age of 10.

But journaling is more than that.

Among the many perks of journaling, you get to:

  • set and achieve your goals
  • track your progress and gain confidence
  • reduce stress and anxiety
  • increase creativity

When I’m feeling overwhelmed with stress and worry, or if I’m feeling particularly down, I write down all my thoughts, no holds barred.

This ‘brain dump’ has helped me release the feeling and not hold on to it for longer than I would have if I had had no avenue to let it out.

Upon reading back the entry and self-reflecting on it, the process also helps me gain perspective of the situation.

We all have good days and bad days, and we may need extra help during those bad days. If you need help, try journaling.

7. Chatting with friends

friends chatting

And on that note, another one of my favorite forms of self-care is to spend it with friends.

Whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, we all need friends.

Friends form part of our village. Some friends even become closer than family.

When you become a mom, there may be times when you neglect your friends. But the good ones will understand and will stick by you.

As a mom, we can learn so much from other moms. They may have gone through the same thing before with their own kids and have wise words to share.

Even as moms, sometimes, we need to step outside of our role to reclaim our own identity. Our friends can remind us of that, of who we used to be.

Most importantly, having friends who will provide a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on when times are tough really makes a world of a difference in keeping us going on this journey of parenthood.

8. Eating chocolate/ Drinking wine

chocolate and wine

When the kids are screaming, the house is a mess and you still have a work deadline to rush, it’s easy to go haywire.

  • Your shoulders are up to your ears.
  • You can hear your heart beating loudly in your chest.
  • The stress can be too much to handle.

This is where a glass of red wine or a piece of dark chocolate comes in handy.

Studies have shown that both red wine and dark chocolate, when consumed in moderation, can be good for your heart.

Ever realize how good it feels to sip on a glass of red wine or nibble on that piece of dark chocolate?

Well, mama, now you have a a valid reason to do so. As long as you don’t overdo it.

So keep that bottle of red wine and bar of dark chocolate stocked up, you never know when you’ll need it.

9. Having a good laugh


My favorite sitcom has got to be Friends. I must have watched all 10 seasons at least 5 times now. It’s my go to when I need cheering up or when I’m feeling stressed out.

And for good reason.

Laughter has many short term and long term benefits, among them:

  • relieving stress
  • soothing tension
  • improving immune system

And goodness knows we, moms, need help with all of the above.

As a self-care idea for moms, I think laughter is a winner in everyone’s books.

Whether you have a good sense of humor or not, laughter helps us see the lighter side of things. It puts the silver lining into the dark cloud of what may be a stressful day.

And when our children seem to be acting out, pausing to share a laugh can create an instant connection.

Friends may not be your jam. If so, watch something else that is funny, listen to a joke, or read a meme. See if you can’t put a smile on your face. They do say that laughter is the best medicine.

10. Netflix & chill

netflix & chill

I have a love hate relationship with Netflix.

On one hand, I think it’s the best thing ever since TV.

Autoplay and skipping intro? Genius.

On the other hand, it’s SO addictive!

Autoplay and skipping intro? A trap!

You see my dilemma.

But at the end of a long day, it can be comforting to be able to zone out in front of the TV, binge watching your favorite show.

Not having to do a thing for anyone. Don’t even have to lift a finger to go to the next episode.

With a glass of wine in one hand and a piece (or bar) of dark chocolate in the other, it can be the perfect epitome of ‘chilling’.

Just lower the volume or put on some earphones so that you don’t wake the kids.

11. Baking


This self-care idea for moms may not be for everyone.

You may enjoy eating the end product more than making it.

But there is something relaxing about baking.

In fact, it has been shown that the focus required during baking can be therapeutic.

Not to mention you get to flex your creative muscles and feel good about making something that you can share with other people.

It doesn’t have to look good. It may not even taste good if you’re new to baking.

But taking some time out to concentrate on creating something with your hands does something for the soul.

And having your cake to eat after is just a bonus.

12. Having quiet time

quiet time

Sometimes, the constant noise from our children can be too much.

Whether it’s the screaming, the never ending questions, the bickering or the whining, it could wear the patience of even a saint thin.

Therefore, it’s important to take some time away from all that and have some quiet time by yourself.

There are several ways to go about this:

  • quiet time in the afternoons as a family, where everyone either takes a nap or does their own thing
  • quiet time by yourself in another room doing something you like while the children play independently
  • quiet time in the mornings where you wake up an hour (or so) earlier than everyone else

Having this special time alone where you have access to your thoughts can serve as a self-reflection in preparation for the rest of the day, or a quick break from it all to recharge.

13. Sleeping


This self-care idea is definitely something that all moms need.

Sleep deprivation can greatly impact your health and safety.

While common and unavoidable in the early years, it is important for parents to catch up on their sleep as much as possible.

I remember how I used to fall asleep at work, during meals and worst of all, at the wheel.

Mamas, if you have no time for anything else, make it a point to sleep whenever possible. Your life literally depends on it.

But how, you ask?

By putting down your phone, especially when evening rolls around.

Did you know that the blue light emitted by our phones can directly affect our sleep? It suppresses melatonin and leaves us feeling awake and alert, instead of drowsy and ready for sleep.

So do yourself a favor and put on a blue light filter on your phone and limit its usage before bedtime.

14. Going for a manicure/pedicure


I love getting my nails done.

As a busy mom, this is a quick win in my book when it comes to self-care.

Sure, the manicure/pedicure itself might take hours. But you end up with pretty looking nails that could last for weeks, sometimes a couple of months.

In the process, your hands and feet get scrubbed, cleaned and pampered.

And with so many nerve endings in our hands and feet, it’s both soothing and relaxing.

So take some time to set up an appointment once in a while, pick out a pattern, sit back and enjoy the session.

You’ll end up with fabulous nails to show off even when you’re dressed in yesterday’s clothes.

15. Going for a spa

massage at the spa

This last self-care idea for moms is the ultimate indulgence.

Having hours of pampering from a massage, where a professional rubs and kneads away at your tired muscles is ecstasy. You feel relaxed and rejuvenated. You feel like YOU again.

A good facial is equally delightful. All that precious treatment and lotion slathered onto your face by gentle and expert hands can be so soothing. It almost always sends me to sleep.

If you don’t have hours to spare, then half an hour of a good head and shoulder massage can still do wonders.

Whichever your choice is, do not deny yourself this pleasure once in a while. You deserve it, mamas.

So there you have it. 15 self-care ideas for moms that you can try out whether you are short on time or have a weekend of pampering planned.

Just remember to find time to recharge every other day, if not daily. If you need some motivation, read this post to remind yourself why you need to fill up that tank before it gets empty.

You deserve to put yourself first, beautiful mama.

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