Are you looking for ways how to stop being an angry mom?

I’m not here to shame you and tell you you’re a bad mom for yelling at your kids.

Neither is it about being the perfect mom.

Because the fact that you’re aware of the problem and trying to become a better mom for your kids shows that you’re a good mama.

It can be stressful feeling like we have to do everything and be everywhere all at once.

Society expects us to:

  • take care of our kids,
  • make sure they have a good education,
  • keep a clean house,
  • be a good wife,
  • maybe have a career, and
  • look good

all at the same time.

We can be superwomen. But even Superwoman gets to take a break once in a while.

Without that break, we’re bound to crack! Burnout is a very real thing among parents.

I’m not saying we have to be a happy mom all the time. I certainly am not.

But if we can’t find healthy ways to deal with our anger or other unprocessed emotions and take it out on our children, that can affect our mental health in the long run.

how to stop being an angry mom

So how to stop being an angry mom?

Here are 21 ways that help me through a hard time. I hope they help you, too!

  1. Pause and breathe
  2. Practice self-care
  3. Find out why you’re angry
  4. Exercise regularly
  5. Meditation and mindfulness
  6. Communicate effectively
  7. Set clear boundaries
  8. Take regular breaks
  9. Create a calming routine
  10. Try journaling
  11. Practice empathy
  12. Use positive discipline
  13. Surround yourself with support
  14. Create a calm-down corner
  15. Use positive affirmations
  16. Identify triggers
  17. Forgiveness
  18. Have a sense of humor
  19. Start or end the day with gratitude
  20. Prioritize quality time
  21. Remember that nobody is perfect
how to stop being an angry mom

How To Stop Being An Angry Mom

Here are some simple ways that I have found to gain control over my emotions and stop being an angry mom.

1. Pause and breathe

When I feel a rush of anger or frustration, I try to take a few deep breaths and count to 10 before reacting.

This gives me time to calm down and think before responding in a way I might regret later.

It takes some conscious effort to pause, but I find that it makes all the difference.

how to stop being an angry mom

2. Practice self-care

As moms, we often put our own needs last. However, prioritizing our own well-being and practicing self-care is how to stop being an angry mom.

This could mean getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising, or simply taking a few minutes each day to do something we enjoy.

Don’t feel guilty for taking a nap in the middle of the day if needed. Lack of sleep and tiredness can really contribute to a bad mood.

3. Find out why you’re angry

If you find that your anger is becoming unmanageable, it may be helpful to seek support from a therapist or counselor.

They can help you explore the underlying causes of your anger and work together to develop anger management strategies.

Don’t feel like you have to deal with anger issues all by yourself. Sometimes, all we need is someone to talk to and be heard.

how to stop being an angry mom

4. Exercise regularly

Exercise is a great way to release tension and stress. Even a short walk can help to calm your mind and body.

Schedule it into your day so that you don’t give yourself an excuse for not having the time.

You can choose to exercise together with your kids and make it a fun workout session, or have some quiet time by yourself.

how to stop being an angry mom

5. Meditation and mindfulness

I know many have touted the amazing benefits of meditation, and they’re all true. It brings calm energy and makes me feel like nothing is too big to handle.

But you don’t have to be sitting for hours meditating to reap the benefits of mindfulness practice.

Taking a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and be present in the moment can still help to reduce stress and promote calm.

how to stop being an angry mom

6. Communicate effectively

Effective communication is key to preventing anger and frustration from escalating.

Try to listen actively to your children and express yourself calmly and clearly. This can help you understand each other’s perspectives and avoid misunderstandings.

Like us, they are also looking to be heard and understood. So take the time to listen to what they’re trying to tell us.

I find that in return, they’re also more likely to listen to what we have to say.

7. Set clear boundaries

Setting clear boundaries and expectations can help to prevent conflict and frustration and how to stop being an angry mom.

Make sure that your children understand what is expected of them and what the consequences will be if they don’t follow through.

Remember to be consistent and firm with your boundaries, but also be willing to listen and negotiate if necessary.

how to stop being an angry mom

8. Take regular breaks

Sometimes, we just need a break.

Give yourself permission to take a time-out when you feel overwhelmed or frustrated.

Go outside, do something to recharge, and hit that reset button. A fresh mind is less likely to sweat the small things.

how to stop being an angry mom

9. Create a calming routine

Creating a calming routine or ritual for ourselves, such as taking a warm bath or reading a book before bed, can help us unwind and decompress after a long day.

I end my day with a bedtime routine that involves skincare, journaling, and some light reading.

Not only does it help me relax, but it also sets a positive tone for the next day.

how to stop being an angry mom

10. Try journaling

Finding healthy outlets for your emotions can also be helpful. Consider journaling, drawing, or engaging in other creative activities to express yourself.

I keep a notebook with me at all times to write down all my big feelings in. There’s a release as you pour all your emotions into words and do not have to worry about being judged.

It helps to do a ‘brain dump’ as well to release all the mental load of being a mom.

11. Practice empathy

Practicing empathy helped me learn how to stop being an angry mom.

Try to see things from your child’s perspective and understand where they are coming from.

If we can step into their shoes and see their real need beneath all the tantrums and crying, it changes our perspective, and we go from trying to fix a ‘problem’ to helping them satisfy an unmet need, like attention or hunger.

Empathy shouldn’t stop there. Extend it to yourself by practicing self-empathy.

I tell myself that it can be hard being a mom, and I am enough.

how to stop being an angry mom

12. Use positive discipline

Positive discipline techniques can be more effective than punishment in promoting good behavior.

Focus on teaching your children what is expected of them and rewarding positive behavior.

This creates a positive environment where your child feels supported and confident in doing the right thing rather than feeling scared or ashamed of punishment.

Take note of their efforts and praise them whenever possible. Remember, discipline is about shaping behavior, not controlling it.

how to stop being an angry mom

13. Surround yourself with support

Having a support network of other moms can be invaluable. They can offer advice, support, encouragement, and a listening ear when you need it most.

Join parenting groups or attend playdates to meet other moms in your community.

Having someone to talk to who can relate to what you’re going through can make all the difference in the world.

how to stop being an angry mom

14. Create a calm-down corner

Creating a calm-down corner or space in your home can give you a place to retreat when you are overwhelmed, frustrated, or feel like screaming.

Decorate it with your favorite books, soft pillows, or calming music.

Teach your child that this is a safe space they can use when they feel angry or upset too.

Going to this corner or space can help you both take a break from the intensity of the moment and calm down before resolving the issue at hand.

how to stop being an angry mom

15. Use positive affirmations

Positive affirmations and reminders can help to reinforce your commitment to being a calm and patient mom.

Repeat positive affirmations to yourself throughout the day to stay focused on your goals.

Write them down on sticky notes or in a journal to remind yourself daily.

By using positive language, you can reshape your thoughts and actions toward becoming a more patient and understanding parent.

how to stop being an angry mom

16. Identify triggers

Identifying triggers that lead to anger can help you to manage them more effectively.

Think about the situations that tend to make you lose your temper. Is it when your child doesn’t listen to you? Or when they make a mess?

Once you recognize these triggers, you can start developing strategies to deal with them.

For example, if your child’s messy eating habits tend to get on your nerves, try using a designated placemat or tablecloth that is easy to clean.

In my own journey, I found “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown to be a powerful resource.

This book delves into the importance of vulnerability and embracing imperfections, providing practical tools that have helped me navigate the challenges of parenting with more patience and understanding.

I highly recommend giving it a read and experiencing the positive impact it can have on your parenting journey.

how to stop being an angry mom

17. Forgiveness

Forgiveness is an important part of managing anger. Practice forgiving yourself and your children for mistakes and misunderstandings.

Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting, but it does mean letting go of the anger and resentment that can build up over time.

Remember that parenting is a learning curve for you and your child, and mistakes are bound to happen.

At the end of the day, we have to be kind to ourselves. Especially when our toddler just spilled milk on the brand-new sofa.

how to stop being an angry mom

18. Have a sense of humor

Humor can be a great way to diffuse tension and lighten the mood. Find ways to inject humor into stressful situations to help reduce anger and frustration.

Not taking yourself too seriously and finding the lighter side of parenting can make all the difference in your day.

Try making up silly songs or jokes with your children, or watch a funny movie together after a particularly stressful or bad day.

Remember, laughter is contagious and can help to create a more relaxed and positive atmosphere at home.

how to stop being an angry mom

19. Start or end the day with gratitude

Gratitude can help to shift your focus to the positive. Consider implementing a daily gratitude practice to help you focus on the good things in your life.

This could be as simple as writing down three things you’re grateful for first thing in the morning or at night before bed.

I’ve found “The 5-Minute Gratitude Journal” to be a game-changer.

This journal has helped me cultivate a daily gratitude practice, shifting my focus toward the positive aspects of motherhood and reducing my anger.

Focusing on what you have, rather than what you don’t, can help to alleviate stress and negative emotions that often lead to irritability and anger.

how to stop being an angry mom

20. Prioritize quality time

Prioritizing quality time and bonding activities with your children can help to strengthen your relationship and reduce conflict.

Make a point to engage in activities that your child enjoys, whether it’s playing board games, going for a bike ride, or simply reading a book together.

One resource that has been a lifesaver for me is “The Adventure Challenge Family Edition“.

Packed with engaging ideas and inspiration, this book has allowed me to create unforgettable memories and strengthen my bond with my little ones through fun and play.

Remember to put away distractions like phones and laptops during this time and give your full attention to what is happening.

When children feel loved and valued, they are less likely to act out or misbehave.

21. Remember that nobody is perfect

Finally, remember that nobody is perfect.

Our children don’t want a perfect mommy. They want a calm one.

It’s okay to make mistakes and have bad days. What’s important is how you handle those moments.

Take a deep breath, apologize if necessary, and move forward with a positive attitude.

It’s also important to remember that parenting is a learning process and that every day is an opportunity for growth and improvement.

So, be kind to yourself, give yourself grace, and keep working towards being the calm and loving mom your children need.

how to stop being an angry mom

Why Is Motherhood Making Me So Angry?

To learn how to stop being an angry mom, it’s helpful to understand why we become that angry person.

It can all boil down to these reasons from being a mom.

Lack of Sleep

As a mom, I know that getting enough sleep can be a challenge. When I’m tired, I find that I’m more irritable and less patient with my children.

If you find that lack of sleep is contributing to your anger as a mom, make it a priority to get more rest.

Establish a consistent bedtime routine for yourself, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from your partner or family members when it comes to childcare duties.

Feeling Overwhelmed

Another reason why motherhood can make us angry is because of the overwhelming responsibilities that come with it.

From juggling household chores to managing our children’s schedules and needs, it can be easy to feel like we’re drowning in tasks every single day.

When we feel overwhelmed, our stress levels rise, making it more difficult to stay calm and patient with our children.

To overcome this, it’s important to prioritize our tasks and ask for help when needed.

Delegate tasks to other family members or hire a babysitter for a few hours each week to give yourself a break.

It’s okay to ask for help and take time for yourself. Focus on the most important things and let go of the rest.

Hungry or Hangry

The saying “hangry” exists for a reason. When we’re hungry, our blood sugar levels drop, making us more irritable and short-tempered.

As busy moms, it’s easy to neglect our basic needs and skip meals or grab something quick and unhealthy on the go.

To prevent being a hangry mom, always have a healthy snack on hand for when hunger strikes.

Take the time to plan out nutritious meals and snacks for yourself and your family. Remember, taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your children.

Triggers and Stressors

Identifying our triggers and stressors can also help us become less angry mom.

These can be anything from a messy house, a noisy environment, or even certain behaviors from our children that push our buttons.

Once we know what triggers our anger, we can manage these situations more effectively.

It’s okay to feel frustrated and overwhelmed as a mom – but learning how to handle these emotions in a healthy way is key.

Lack of Control

As moms, we often feel like we have to control everything in order for things to go smoothly.

But trying to control every aspect of our lives and our children’s lives can actually lead to more stress and anger.

It’s important to remember that we can’t control everything, and that’s okay. Letting go of some control can actually lead to more peace and happiness in our daily lives.

Focus on what you can control, like your own reactions and behaviors, and learn to let go of the rest.

how to stop being an angry mom

What Is Mommy Rage, And Is It Different Than Anger?

As a mom, it’s normal to feel angry at times. However, when anger turns into rage, it can become dangerous and harmful to ourselves and our children.

Understanding the difference between rage and other types of anger is essential in learning how to control our emotions as moms.

Anger is a natural emotion that can be expressed in a healthy way, but rage is an intense and uncontrollable outburst that often comes from fear or frustration.

Rage can be both hot and explosive or cold and calculated, but no matter what, it remains highly destructive.

Learning how to manage anger and prevent it from turning into rage is crucial for being a calm and level-headed mom.

It’s also important to seek support from trusted friends or family members and consider seeking professional help if your anger is becoming unmanageable.

Remember, the first step to how to stop being an angry mom is caring for yourself mentally and emotionally.

how to stop being an angry mom

FAQ On How To Stop Being An Angry Mom

How Can I Control My Anger As A Mother?

Here are some tips for how you can control your anger as a mother:

  1. Identify triggers and take a deep breath before reacting
  2. Prioritize self-care through exercise or meditation
  3. Seek support from a therapist if needed
  4. Apologize and model healthy conflict resolution for your child. It’s okay to make mistakes and ask for forgiveness.

How Does An Angry Mother Affect A Child?

An angry mother can negatively impact a child’s emotional well-being. Children may experience fear, anxiety, and low self-esteem. They may struggle with regulating their own emotions and could develop anger issues themselves. It’s crucial for mothers to find healthy ways to manage their anger to foster a positive environment for their children’s emotional development.

What Is Cold Mother Syndrome?

Cold mother syndrome is a parenting style characterized by emotional detachment and minimal warmth or affection towards the child. It can result in negative consequences on the child’s emotional and social development, such as difficulties forming healthy relationships and low self-esteem. Building a secure attachment and providing nurturing care is vital for a child’s overall well-being and healthy development.

Why Am I So Angry All The Time As A Mom?

Feeling angry all the time as a mom may be influenced by various factors. It could stem from overwhelming stress, lack of self-care, sleep deprivation, or unresolved emotions. Hormonal changes and adjusting to the demands of motherhood can also contribute. It’s important to seek support, practice self-care, and explore coping strategies to manage anger better and prioritize your well-being.

How Do I Stop Losing My Temper With My Child?

To stop losing your temper with your child, try these strategies:

  1. Take a deep breath and count to ten before responding.
  2. Practice self-care to reduce stress levels.
  3. Identify triggers and address them.
  4. Seek support from therapists or parenting resources.
  5. Implement positive discipline techniques and model calm behavior.
  6. Communicate with your child.

What Should You Do If You Lose Your Temper In Front Of Your Kids?

If you lose your temper in front of your kids, it’s important to repair the situation. Apologize sincerely, explaining that everyone gets upset sometimes. Discuss emotions and healthy ways to express them. Teach your children that it’s okay to make mistakes, and show them how to resolve conflicts respectfully. Modeling self-awareness and emotional growth sets a positive example for them.

How Does Mom Rage Hurt Mothers & Children?

Mom rage can have a significant impact on both mothers and children. Studies have found that it can increase stress levels, lead to feelings of guilt and shame, and negatively affect the parent-child relationship. Children may experience anxiety, depression, and behavioral problems as a result. It’s crucial to address and manage mom rage through therapy, self-care, and healthy coping strategies.

how to stop being an angry mom

Final Thoughts On How To Stop Being An Angry Mom

If you are struggling with anger as a mom, know that you can use the ways I shared on how to stop being an angry mom.

By practicing self-care, seeking support, and modeling positive behavior, you can reduce mom rage and prioritize your well-being.

Remember to repair situations if you lose your temper in front of your children and teach them healthy ways to manage emotions.

Motherhood is a journey filled with ups and downs, but the bottom line is to prioritize your emotional health so that you can be the best mom possible for your little one!

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